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"What strategies have you found most effective in driving user adoption within your team?

We've had success with regular training sessions and highlighting quick wins but would love to hear what’s worked for others!

#UserAdoption #TeamSuccess"

I came here to start the same topic. I am curious on what adoption metrics everyone is using to identify where additional training and adoption is needed. 

We started with driving the call recording/call coaching but having a difficult time accessing all the data around % of calls being recorded, % of calls that a manager listened to and provided coaching. etc. 

The number one surefire way I’ve found is to enable managers on the Coaching and Analytics features. Once the managers are bought in and Salesloft becomes part of their regular workstream, they become the ones to drive seller adoption.

I have a program that I run with our larger accounts, and the managers and sales leaders all love it. We just turned that curriculum into a self-serve course open to everyone free of charge if you’re interested: Data Driven Coaching

Hey @AUdurhamlane and @andrei.dumitriu 

Happy to share some insights from what I’ve seen work well with other customers I’ve implemented.

From a Metric Standpoint:

Here are a few baseline questions I use to start a conversation regarding adoption:

  • Are we consistently adding people to Salesloft? 
    • Adding a steady number of people to cadences daily ensures your reps are working enough leads to hit their weekly and monthly goals. To help with this, set a Daily People Target for team cadences as an internal baseline. You can then use Coaching to track how many people each rep is adding every day.
  • Are we using the tool consistently?  
    • Making Salesloft a regular part of daily activities is crucial. Set daily/weekly activity targets and compare your reps’ activity levels using Salesloft’s Coaching feature. Keep an eye on metrics like Overdue Steps (in your Salesforce dashboard ) and On-Time Steps in Salesloft to see if your reps are consistently keeping up with Cadence/Rhythm tasks.  
  • Is your content relevant? 
    • Regularly review and update the content in your cadences. Ask your team for feedback to make sure the messaging and templates resonate with their prospects. This helps keep everything aligned with what’s working in the market. If your content doesn’t make sense or is confusing to them, why would your reps use it? 

Once you spot what’s causing an issue, you can take action to fix it. For instance, if your On-Time Steps rates are low, you can figure out whether a few individuals need a little extra support or if the whole team is having a tough time keeping up. If it’s just a few people, some targeted coaching or additional training could do the trick. If content engagement is low (ex. 300 sends but a 0.8% open rate), it might be time to refresh your email templates or test different messaging. But if the entire team is struggling, it might be time to tweak your cadences or simplify the process. These metrics are like a roadmap—they help you see exactly where things are going off course so you can make the right adjustments and get everyone back on track.


Overall Strategies:

Identify a Power User and make them a SME: 

  •  Find those who are quick to adapt and make them Salesloft champions. They can share best practices, offer peer support, and even run mini-training sessions. Peer-to-peer learning is often more relatable and can really drive wider adoption. Have your SME go through Salesloft’s learning paths to become certified. 

Create Slack/Team Groups for Tips & Tricks:  

  •  Create a Slack channel dedicated to Salesloft. This boosts internal communication and makes it easy to share quick wins, tips, and tricks. It’s a great way to keep everyone connected and engaged with the platform.

Consistently hold internal Office Hours:  

  •   Hold weekly office hours, especially during the initial rollout of Salesloft, to address any major concerns and gather questions from your team. This creates a space for open dialogue and continuous improvement.

Build SOP Documentation/Resources:

  •  Alongside regular training, develop tailored resources that capture your team’s specific processes. For example, one team I know of created a Notion page that detailed their entire Salesloft process. They included descriptions of meeting types, dispositions, and sentiments, along with a decision tree to guide reps on which cadence a lead or contact should enter based on certain criteria. Having this kind of documentation helps new and existing reps navigate the platform more confidently and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Remember, you don’t need to be a Salesloft expert to make the most of it. Encourage your team to tap into the resources Salesloft offers. The daily office hours hosted by Salesloft are a fantastic way for your reps to get live support, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of the tool. Leveraging these resources can make a big difference in boosting user adoption and helping your team get the most out of SalesLoft.

Hope this helps! 

