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Hi Guys, 

I target about 2000+ Accounts with about 5000+ target individuals with a lot the data cleansing needed. No. 1 being linking people to the right accounts. 

Any insights and advice on how to bulk update the linking between people and their accounts would be huge help and $ value. (I’ve explored ways of uploading CSV however without success as it only allows updating of “display company”, not “linked company”) 

likewise, I’m generally good with the system so if anything I could help, please leave a question here. 



Hey Jason - Are the prospect’s email addresses the same as the company’s domain? Ideally they should link based on domain matching the email address.

I would also double check your Account Management settings (Settings → Data Section → Account Management) to ensure you can link people to accounts upon import. 


Hey Christian, 

Appreciate your advice! 

I’ve checked my settings, it seems I don’t have this path: (Settings → Data Section → Account Management) . I may have not been given the sufficient level of access from my Admin person. 

Amid some changes in our process, I will watch it and get that looked at. 

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, it does sound very good about the auto domain matching and account management settings. I will definitely work to that. 


