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If you're experiencing issues with spam labeling, the first step towards improvement is to evaluate your calling best practices and your phone number’s reputation.

Today we will explain what your phone number’s reputation is and how leveraging Voice Integrity can keep your reputation in good standing. 


That’s right, phone numbers have reputations.

You can think of a phone number's reputation like a credit score. If you have a poor credit score, you'll struggle to qualify for major purchases like a house. Similarly, with a bad phone reputation, your calls are more likely to be flagged as spam.

Salesloft and other dialer services can assign you new numbers, frequently but swapping them out is akin to opening new credit cards every couple of weeks—it can actually hurt your reputation in the long run.

New numbers come with their own challenges. Spammers often cycle through new numbers to avoid detection, making brand-new numbers inherently suspicious. If the very first person you call flags you as spam, that new number’s entire reputation is tarnished from the start. In contrast, sticking with an older number allows you to build a positive reputation over time.

Fortunately, Salesloft provides additional tools that can help your phone number’s reputation.

Voice Integrity registers your numbers with carriers' analytic vendors like Verizon (TNS), T-Mobile (First Orion), and AT&T (Hiya). This service helps remediate negative reputations and monitor your numbers' status. Upon approval, Voice Integrity resets your phone number’s reputation to neutral (0). From there, your best practices will determine whether it trends positively or negatively. Good calling habits will steadily boost your number’s reputation and help prevent future spam labeling.


But what if Voice Integrity doesn’t solve the issue and your number is still being flagged?

In that case, the Salesloft Channel Health team suggests revisiting your calling practices to ensure you’re adhering to the best standards.

Beyond that, there are other external resources for further assistance.

Voice Integrity, as mentioned, registers your numbers with TNS, Hiya, and First Orion—this is an in-house service Salesloft provides for free, with both advantages and limitations.

  • The pros? It’s free, easy to set up (we handle the logistics), and it can significantly reduce spam labeling.
  • The con is that we're relying on third-party vendors to register your numbers with these analytics services. You also have the option to purchase a premium service directly through these vendors. For a fee, they provide advanced options like branded calls, enhanced spam prevention, and the ability to include reasons for your calls. 


Interested in registering your phone numbers with Voice Integrity? Salesloft offers the registration through the Trust Hub. Check out the Manage Trust Hub in Salesloft article to get started. 

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