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In the recent Salesloft on Salesloft webinar titled "Identify Metrics that Matter," hosted by Kayla Pepperell, Tim, and Chris Dankowski from BOL Agency, they explored critical strategies for identifying and leveraging sales metrics to drive team performance and improve alignment with revenue organizations. Below are some key takeaways and best practices highlighted during the session:


1. Prioritize Deterministic vs. Correlative Metrics

  • Deterministic Metrics: These are easily measurable, surface-level metrics such as reply rates or meetings booked. They provide quick insights but might not tell the full story.
  • Correlative Metrics: These metrics require deeper analysis and reveal hidden patterns in the sales process. For example, measuring how touchpoints impact deal velocity or average contract value can help reveal more strategic insights for driving growth.


2. Understand Marketing and Sales Alignment

One of the foundational principles in the session was aligning marketing and sales to ensure seamless buyer journeys. A Forrester study was referenced, showing that it typically takes 27 branded touchpoints to generate a marketing-qualified lead.

Tip: Measure the impact of marketing touchpoints on your sales process. Determine whether the touchpoints provide enough value or if additional engagement is required to warm leads further.


3. Map the Buyer’s Journey and Key Metrics

Chris emphasized the importance of mapping the entire buyer journey from awareness to closed won deals. Identify key metrics for each stage. For instance:

  • In the awareness stage: website visits, lead captures, and impressions.
  • In the engagement stage: reply rates, meeting booked rates, and conversion rates.
  • In the closing stages: time-to-close, average deal size, and pipeline velocity.

Action Step: Focus on a few key metrics at each stage of the buyer’s journey to ensure you are driving the desired outcomes.


4. Balance Sales Velocity

While it's tempting to push for speed in closing deals, the panel advised caution. Rushing deals through the pipeline might increase velocity but reduce the win rate, especially for complex or long sales cycles.

Best Practice: Look for a balance where you maintain healthy velocity without sacrificing deal quality or losing winnable opportunities.


5. Document and Deliver Metrics Confidently to Leadership

The ability to document and communicate these key metrics to leadership is crucial. Tim advised breaking down complex data into clear, actionable insights that tie directly into company revenue goals.

Use metrics to demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-functional alignment between marketing and sales to ensure both teams are moving in the same direction.

For those interested in a more in-depth discussion, you can check out the full webinar Salesloft on Salesloft: Identify Metrics that Matter to get more detailed insights into how Salesloft uses metrics to optimize their sales processes.


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