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I’ve been focusing on supporting sales managers to use Salesloft to revolutionize their pipeline calls. However, this is a new tool. The sales team recently went through MEDDIC training and I’m curious if anyone has ideas on how I can bridge the gap to better help the team. They keep their pipeline calls private, so I run independent training with the sales managers. 

@mjormitch I don’t have a ton of experience with MEDDIC as a sales process, but I am curious if you can explain what the current disconnect is? Do the reps just not want to log their calls at all?

Hi @mjormitch if you are referencing privacy among call recording you can try the following:


  • Disable call recording for certain users
  • Enable the recording announcement for calls
  • Have your user not connect to zoom

Please let me know if this helps!

@mjormitch I’m assuming that you want the managers to begin using MEDDIC as a means to identify deal gaps and pipeline health?

Just like in your CRM, you can add custom fields to Deals in Salesloft (goes w/o saying that it’s best to also have these custom fields mirrored on Opportunities in your CRM).

You could create custom Deal fields specific to MEDDIC that the manager would use in their pipeline reviews to quickly see what MEDDIC criteria has and hasn’t been captured, and to assess if what they’re seeing aligns to the deal stage and forecast category.

If you can do that and show the managers how it saves them time AND helps to improve forecast accuracy, then rep adoption will quickly follow. 

@mjormitch I’m assuming that you want the managers to begin using MEDDIC as a means to identify deal gaps and pipeline health?

Just like in your CRM, you can add custom fields to Deals in Salesloft (goes w/o saying that it’s best to also have these custom fields mirrored on Opportunities in your CRM).

You could create custom Deal fields specific to MEDDIC that the manager would use in their pipeline reviews to quickly see what MEDDIC criteria has and hasn’t been captured, and to assess if what they’re seeing aligns to the deal stage and forecast category.

If you can do that and show the managers how it saves them time AND helps to improve forecast accuracy, then rep adoption will quickly follow. 

We have this structure set up in Deals and also have Deals Gaps set up that trigger when certain MEDDICC Fields aren’t filled out at certain Opportunity Stages. It makes opportunity inspection and forecasting a breeze!

@mjormitch I’m assuming that you want the managers to begin using MEDDIC as a means to identify deal gaps and pipeline health?

Just like in your CRM, you can add custom fields to Deals in Salesloft (goes w/o saying that it’s best to also have these custom fields mirrored on Opportunities in your CRM).

You could create custom Deal fields specific to MEDDIC that the manager would use in their pipeline reviews to quickly see what MEDDIC criteria has and hasn’t been captured, and to assess if what they’re seeing aligns to the deal stage and forecast category.

If you can do that and show the managers how it saves them time AND helps to improve forecast accuracy, then rep adoption will quickly follow. 

We have this structure set up in Deals and also have Deals Gaps set up that trigger when certain MEDDICC Fields aren’t filled out at certain Opportunity Stages. It makes opportunity inspection and forecasting a breeze!

So great to hear that! It’s such a great hack for getting more from your methodology.
