Hi Sakinna, love this, we had a similar issue where the mindset was still to push out in bulk in the hope for a response.
Quality over quantity always wins.
Thanks for sharing
This is a great tip! To make it even more effective, try adding a task or LinkedIn research step earlier in the cadence, ideally as part of a multi-touch approach. This gives your reps the chance to gather important insights, jot down detailed notes, and personalize their emails right away—without anything slipping through the cracks.
Not only does this help reps get to know their prospects better, but it also ensures that every message is relevant and tailored, with accurate notes on hand. Sure, it might take an extra 5-15 minutes, but that small investment can make a big difference in engagement and lead to better results overall!
@ChristianCompton brings up a great point! To add to that (and you’ve probably already done this) but you should absolutely enable, re-enable, and then re-re-enable your reps on a simple personalization framework.
We’re always telly them to personalize, but not often coaching them how.
Something basic like:
Example: “I’m reaching out because I know Q4 is crunchtime for VPs of Sales like yourself, and it’s time to pull out all the stops to hit your number. My company has a way to help you hit your number more predictably without increasing headcount (just making stuff up 😆) that I was hoping to share with you over an informal chat”
Once they’ve been enabled on a framework like that, you can actually provide some directive prompts between the variable brackets reminding them what to do 
Example: {{! USE WHY YOU/NOW/US HERE!}}
It’s all about removing every barrier to execution.
How do you make the macro so that it doesn’t send in an email? (I created a custom field without mapping it to anything, but when I test it sends PERSONALIZE HERE/!PERSONALIZE HERE versus blocking the send)
I’m used to Outreach where I could write {{! ANYTHING}} and it would block sending.
@ChristieKieler - you need to create a custom field called “personalization” in the field mappings. Don’t map it back to anything. Then in the cadence, you find that field in the pick list and use.
Example we’ve done: Field name “insert personalization”
Cadence: Hey {first_name}
Noticed {insert_personalization} which had me wondering if you… etc.
key thing is you cannot write that in like you did above. Must use the field