Want to increase your call connection rates? The Best Time to Call chart in your Salesloft Calls Analytics provides valuable insights into the optimal times to make calls based on your historical call data. By understanding and leveraging this chart, you can improve your calling efficiency and connect with more prospects.
How to Read the Best Time to Call Chart
When looking at the Best Time to Call chart and all of those bubbles, there are two main things to consider:
- Bubble size = number of calls logged
- Bubble color = Connected Call rate (connected disposition divided by calls logged)
The bubble size is based on the number of calls logged. The more calls that are logged during that time slot, the larger the bubble.
The bubble color relies on the Connected Call rate of your calls. When a calls is logged as Connected, Salesloft recognizes that as a Connected Call. The Connected Call rate takes the number of calls logged with the Connected disposition divided by the total number of logged calls.
Best Time to Call Panel Results
The different size and color shade of the bubbles in the Best Time to Call panel allow you to infer the success of your call volume at certain times in the day.
Let's take a look at the potential results you may read from the panel and how to interpret that data:
Large and Dark Shade Bubble
This is the most successful combination! The number of calls logged and the connection rates are both at their highest peak when the bubble looks like this.
Most likely, this will also be your Best Time to Call bubble.
Try to prioritize making calls during this time block.
Large and Light Shade Bubble
Hours that have large and light shade bubbles means many calls are being logged with minimal success at actually making call connections.
Try calling at different times to boost connection rates.
Small and Dark Shade Bubble
Hours with a small and dark shade bubble mean that your Connected Call rates are high, but your logged calls numbers are lower.
It may be worth making more calls during these time blocks to increase your calls logged number and see if you can reach the large and dark share bubble status.
Small and Light Shade Bubble
This bubble means that logged calls and connection rates are both on the low side.
While you don't necessarily have to avoid making calls during this time block, it may be the best use of your time to focus on emails or other channels during the hours where you see these bubbles.
Things to Consider
- The Best Time to Call chart is based on your historical call data, so it will become more accurate over time as you log more calls.
- Consider factors such as your target audience's time zone and typical work hours when interpreting the chart.